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Falconry Pest Control
Falconry Pest control for Gulls
Pigeon Control
Covering most of the UK
Falconry Pest Control
If you have an issue with Gulls or Pigeons, we can use birds of prey to act as a form of falconry pest control. The birds of prey do not kill the pest birds, they purely act as a deterrent to chase away the pests. This method of pest control is an environmentally friendly, non lethal, method. By making regular visits throughout the year, in the pests birds brains we have introduced a predator into the area meaning it is no longer safe enough to stay or make nests, and so they move on to a different location. To begin with there is a small consultation fee for us to visit the location and form a plan of action. For gulls we have to carry out multiple visits a week for between 4 and 6 hours between February and July. For pigeons we have to carry out regular visits throughout the year as they do not have a ‘breeding season’.
For more information and for quotes please get in touch!
Short term Contract
Our short term contracts are designed to deter pest birds if you have a small issue or while more permanent solutions are put n place such as bird proofing. Depending on the site and species of pest bird, our short term contracts may only last a few months.

Annual Contract
our annual contracts are designed to reduce the presence of pest birds on your site continuously throughout the year. If you have a continuous issue with pest birds, or if it is a very large site, a short term contract may not have an effect. Contracts for Gulls will typically take place throughout their breeding season starting around February and lasting until August. Contracts for Pigeons will have to be carried out throughout the entire year.